Partnerships and collaborations
Exploring ExtraCare's Pannel Croft: Embracing diversity in senior living
Highlighting awareness days
Events update
Unlocking equal opportunities: Addressing funding inequity for women and underrepresented groups
How WiRL's partnership with TIS is looking to maximizing opportunities: An interview with CEO James Twigg
Women in Retirement Living (WiRL) partners with life safety and security systems integrator, TIS to further promote diversity in the retirement living sector
Dr Jennifer Bute "obstacles are opportunities to spark change"
"I believe in chance and learned to believe in myself" – Wendy Whipp's story.
"Gender? It's a chance, not an obstacle. IWD is an opportunity" – one female architect's view of what IWD means to diversity in retirement living.
A career path pitted with challenges – "but they made me stronger". Karen's inspiring story.